Admission Notice 2025-26






1.       Registrations for  admission for Academic Year 2025-26 were invited, last date of registration was 15 th March 2025.



2.     Admission list for classes PRE KG (NP),PRE KG (VN), LKG (NP),UKG (VN),UKG (NP) has been hosted on website. Parents registered for admission at LKG VN are requested to keep checking website for information on admission of their wards. Separate list for admission to Class I will be hosted in due course of time.



3.     Last date of submission of documents for admission is 07 April 2025. Parents/ Guardian may approach school for admission between 0800 hrs to 1400 hrs on school working days from 29 Mar 25 onwards.



4.    The following documents are to be submitted in hard copy during the admission process:-

(a)    Self-attested photo copy of Birth Certificate.

(b)    Self-attested photo copy of Caste Certificate.

(c)     Self-attested photo copy of Aadhar Card.

(d)   Original copy of Transfer Certificate,  as applicable (should have School UDISE number, student’s PEN and APAAR ID number)

(e)     Self-attested photo copy of Report card of Previous School, as applicable.

(f)         Self-attested photo copy of Pay/Salary Statement.

(g)       Posting/Serving Certificate from Stn Adjt/Competent Authority.

(h)         Affidavit (format attached for reference)

5.         Kindly note that allotment of admission number is subjected to submission of all the documents and payment of fees. All communication related to the admission process will be through the school's website ( and  official email ID